
ArCANIS - A Modern Animal Tarot Deck

Created by David DePasquale

ArCANIS is a tarot deck and 168 page full color companion book that combines a love of animals with simple, modern character design.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

almost 7 years ago – Tue, Jul 25, 2017 at 12:00:08 AM

Advance copies arrived! Whoo!!

My advance copies of the deck and book arrived, and I can't tell you how happy I am with them! Take a peek!





Dat foil stamping.
Dat foil stamping.

 I've received confirmation from both printing houses that the full shipments have gone out, so we're right on target for me to begin shipping in the beginning of September. Typically, overseas shipping takes about 4 weeks, and they shipped about a week ago. I have some sketches and illustrations to finish for those of you who pledged a certain level, so I'm working on those as well.

Gallery show update!

If you happen to be in the Burbank/Los Angeles area on Friday night (the 28th), PLEASE come by the opening to the ArCANIS gallery show at Center Stage Gallery! All 78 original pieces from the deck will be for sale!


All 78 pieces framed by hand. Phew!
All 78 pieces framed by hand. Phew!

This show has been months in the making, so to see it come to life with your help has been nothing short of incredible. I couldn't do it without each and every one of you.

Thank you all so much... I can't wait for all of you to get your hands on your rewards! I hope you'll be as pleased with them as I am.

Thanks again!

- david

Backerkit Responses Locked!
almost 7 years ago – Sat, Jul 08, 2017 at 11:03:33 PM

Yay! Another huge step toward fulfillment. Backerkit responses have been locked down and the credit cards for pre-orders and add-ons have been charged. Don't worry if you haven't seen a charge yet, it might take up to 24 hours to hit your cards!

Please note: Pre-Orders are absolutely still open, but pre-orders made after this date may not ship until after the initial September shipments. I will do my best to get every order out the moment I am able!

Thank you, everyone!

- david

BackerKit + Pre-Order Extension
almost 7 years ago – Fri, Jun 30, 2017 at 10:40:23 PM

Hey everybody!

Tonight WAS the night for survey lock down... but I'll be keeping surveys open for an extra week just to try and wrangle the last few backers!

Please note, this means anyone who has added any additional decks or books or pins or prints to their order will NOT be charged for them until after the 7th of July. This is the new Backerkit lockdown date!

Hope everyone has a great weekend, and a Happy 4th if you're celebrating here in the US!

As always, thank you!

  • david

P.S. - Banjo thanks you, too!

Three Days Left for Reward Surveys!
almost 7 years ago – Tue, Jun 27, 2017 at 10:00:43 PM

Hi everybody! I still have some stragglers who haven't filled out their surveys yet. Please keep in mind that if you don't have your survey filled out by 11:59pm June 30th, I cannot guarantee your rewards will ship on time. Even for local pickup, your surveys must be filled out.... it gives me a more cohesive list of who gets what!

Thank you all!

- david

June Update - BackerKit Lockdown!
almost 7 years ago – Tue, Jun 20, 2017 at 08:36:43 PM

Hey everybody! I hope you've had a great month!

A heads-up on BackerKit Surveys
- I've received responses from 92% of you, but that still leaves a few people who haven't filled theirs out yet. Even if you're going to be getting yours through local delivery in LA, please please please fill out the survey, as it also gives me the most cohesive list of who gets what rewards. I need this information by June 30th, as that's when the surveys get locked down and credit cards get charged for add-on purchases as well. If you don't respond by June 30th, I can't guarantee your items will ship on time for September!

Production Update -

Book: I have received ozalids and production proofs for the book, and have sent back minor corrections. I was allowed to keep the book case sample, and I think it looks pretty great! What do you all think?


Deck: The deck is in full production. The printing house hit a bit of a snafu regarding their existing equipment and being able to print foil on both sides of the card, but I have been reassured that their new equipment should have no issues giving me what I've promised everyone. The production has been delayed by about a week, but this should not affect September shipping times!

Pin: Pins are in full production! I've sent along my corrections to TrueMetalWorks and they've been fantastic. They'll be produced with Dark Nickel as the framing metal, and they're going to look super sweet! I should be receiving those mid-July.

Thank you, everybody! Remember to fill out your BackerKit Surveys!

- david